Daycare at Kameng Leng សេវាកម្មថែទាំក្មេង និងក្មេងលេង

Our drop-off service is for kids aged 12 months - 5 years. We offer family style childcare in our beautiful indoor & outdoor space, with an experienced team of caregivers (English & Khmer). សេវាកម្មមើលថែក្មេងរបស់យើងគឺសម្រាប់កុមារចាប់ពីអាយុ 12ខែ ដល់ 5 ឆ្នាំ។ ខាងយើងមានការផ្ដល់ជូននូវការថែទាំកុមារតាមបែបគ្រួសារ នៅទីធ្លាខាងក្នុង និងខាងក្រៅដ៏ស្រស់ស្អាតរបស់យើងជាមួយនឹងអ្នកមើលថែទាំក្មេងដែលមានបទពិសោធន៍ ( ភាសាអង៉គ្លេស និងខ្មែរ )។

OUR SERVICE សេវាកម្មរបស់ពួកយើង

Our team combined have more than 65 years of experience as Mothers, Nannies & Caregivers to young children & babies. We offer family style childcare that feels like home! Our comfortable space gives kids the freedom to play in a healthy way, that helps them to learn, whilst eating nourishing homecooked food! *Experienced Caregivers *First Aid Trained Caregivers *Healthy Homemade Food *Weekly Themed Activities